Heating of the altar and liturgical vessels


Heating of the altar and liturgical vessels

Some churches have an interior temperature close to 0°C, especially in the areas where the priest conducts the service. The altar table, particularly when made of stone, radiates a penetrating cold, and the water in the liturgical vessels (ampullae) can freeze. To eliminate these inconveniences, ZPUG IZOTERMA has designed heating for the altar table and ampullae. A thin heating mat, 3mm thick, is placed under the tablecloth on the altar table. The standard dimensions are a width of 520 mm and a length of 1050 mm, with other sizes available upon request.

The heat emitted from the heating mat creates a barrier against the cold from the altar table, ensuring that the priest does not feel the cold. Both the heating mat for the altar table and the heating pad for the ampullae are connected to an existing 230 V power outlet.

Heating pad for ampullae

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We invite you to visit our website dedicated to church heating.



+48 71-318-58-95
+48 71-318-58-96

