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IR IZOTERMA Infrared Radiator

Infrared radiation heating panels


Infrared radiation heating panels

IZOTERMA heating panels system is the instant and reliable heating in the specified time and place. Infrared radiant panels give back their energy perpendicular to their plane, no matter in what position the panels are mounted (vertically or horizontally). It is characterized by the high intensity of the heat energy, achieved by using the special IzoQuartz® coating on the panels surface.



The heating panel has the box structure made of zinc-coated steel sheet, painted, heating element, insulation, installation element, front panel surface coated with the special IzoQuartz® preparation, which increases the heat radiation efficiency. Backside of the panel is fitted with a 0,5m long connecting cable 230V. The panel backside has four handles for installation frame. Colour - white.

                     View of panel backside


Fixed to the ceiling or wall
The installation frame is fixed with the bolts directly to the ceiling. The heating panel is hanged on the frame, as shown inthe illustration.
Built in the suspended ceiling in the coffers
The heating panels have the same dimensions, as the standard suspended ceiling panels, which allows for the direct installation on the ceiling grid, between the panels.
Under the ceiling, hanging on the hangers (chains)
The panel backside has four handles. The panel is hanged on four chain pieces, using the mentioned handles.
The minimum distances to maintain apply to the horizontal panels:
H = 2,4 m B = 0,6 m
(above values do not apply to industrial and agricultural applications)

The panels are turned on by the switch (ON / OFF), or by the temperature controller. Switch, temperature controller or time clock may be located in any place or room. Each heated room should have the separate temperature control. The controller should be installed 1,5 – 1,8 m above the floor, in a location without draughts and direct sunlight.

Our series of radiant panels type S

Type S
230 V
Dimensions – mmWeight
S – 300300265925925,0
S – 6006002659211928,8

Designing output and number of radiant panel

 It is important if radiant panels are to serve as the main source of heating or just support the already existing one – complementary heating. The required output for individual rooms depends on: the desired room temperature, thermal insulation of walls, widows and the outside temperature. Approximately one can assume the following types of building construction and the demand for heating power, assuming the minimum outside temp. – 20 ° C:
1. 20 W/m³ – wooden buildings, well insulated
2. 25 W/m³ – brick buildings with insulation (polystyrene, mineral wool)
3. 30 ÷ 35 W/m³ – brick buildings without insulation (old building)
4. 5 ÷ 20 W/m³ – by complementary heating

Designing number of panels depending on number of external walls

Radiant panelOutput
Room hight – 2,6 m
One external wallTwo external wallsThree external wallsFour external walls
type S-300300up to 6 m2up to 5 m2up to 4,5 m2up to 4 m2
type S-600600up to 12 m2up to 10 m2up to 9 m2up to 8 m2

Examples of use

We reserve the right to make design changes to our products. The website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Article 66, Paragraph 1 of the Polish Civil Code.


We invite you to visit our website for more information about radiant panels.



+48 71-318-58-95
+48 71-318-58-96

